
UX/UI Designer

With 4 years experience in Retail and Graphic Design
90 secs about me
Recent Projects
Me as a Designer

From Retail and Graphic Design to UX

In the last 4 years, I completed a Master's in Retail Design and then established myself as a graphic designer in the Retail sector. My recent partnership with a globally renowned sports brand has significantly enhanced my ability to identify problems, make decisions, collaborate across disciplines, and lead teams.

As I transition into UX design, my expertise, coupled with thorough research, continues to evolve, enriching my design thinking capabilities.

In 2023, I accomplished a UX project with a local ecological startup.

In 2023, I conducted my first Design Thinking Workshop with my team.

Conducting an informative workshop for my colleagues at an architectural agency on design thinking and ideation approaches which was greatly appreciated by seniors & peers.

What's my favourite design thinking approach, and how do I incorporate it into my work?

I have found great value in the Double Diamond Approach. It has played a pivotal role in shaping my approach to UX and graphic projects, allowing me to dedicate significant time to understanding users and their needs, ultimately leading to intuitive design solutions. While it presents a challenge, I strive to integrate this approach into my graphic contributions in architectural projects as well.

Rexelle Outside Design

To me, travel rejuvenates and ignites a desire to engage in mindful and conscious travel experiences.
Weaving my experiences through my passion for filmmaking and photography